Law No. 03/L-212 on Labour, governs employment and labor law in Kosova and applies to all private sector employees, including foreign nationals working within the country’s borders. However, it is important to note that international missions, as well as diplomatic and consular missions of other states, have their own set of employment regulations.
Individuals who are 18 years or older are eligible to sign work contracts. Furthermore, individuals aged 15 to 18 are permitted to get into working connections, as long as the nature of the work does not put at risk their well-being or development. Every employer is required to declare their personnel to the Tax Administration of Kosova and the Kosova Pension Savings Fund.
Kosova’s laws recognize many types of employment contracts based on the following criteria:
Employment contracts having a fixed period of time: These contracts have a set lifespan, but they cannot be concluded for more than ten (10) years.
Employment contracts for an indefinite period of time: An employment contract that does not specify its duration is considered indefinite. Even if a fixed-term contract is extended for more than ten (10) years, it is considered an indefinite-term contract.
Employment Contracts for specified activities and functions are restricted to 120 days per year. Employees under such contracts have the same rights and duties as provided by the law, unless otherwise specified. Employees under particular task contracts do not have the entitlement to yearly leave.
Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers is responsible for drafting employment and vocational training policies; it approves the annual work program of the Employment Agency; approves the budget proposed by the Employment Agency; and is responsible for monitoring the implementation of employment and vocational training policies.
For more information, visit the Kosova Law on Labour:
Employment form:
For more information regarding employment services, visit the Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosova: