Tourism Sector

Kosova’s strategic location amidst mountains in the heart of the Balkans presents immense potential for winter tourism. Destinations like Brezovica and the Sharr Mountains offer rich investment opportunities in activities such as skiing, eco-tourism, paragliding, and mountain biking.
Kosova is divided into five tourist regions, each with its unique attractions and development prospects. These regions include Prishtina, Prizren, the Albanian Alps, the Sharr Mountains, Anamorava, and Mitrovica, providing diverse experiences for visitors.
From thermal resources renowned for their healing properties to breathtaking landscapes like the White Drin River and Rugova Gorge, Kosova offers a wealth of natural and cultural attractions. These features, alongside artisanal crafts like filigree, contribute to Kosova’s appeal as a destination for both domestic and international tourists. In particular, cultural tourism represents one of the major potentials for development in Kosova. Numerous cultural events and festivals are organized in various cities across Kosova.


RAVE Festival/ Prishtina Music

11.05.2024 - Prishtinë (AMC-Hall), festival of global electronic music with international and Albanian DJs.
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Chopin Piano Fest

09.05.2024 - 09.06.2024, Prishtina, Celebration of Chopin's 200th birthday
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02.08 - 10.08. 2024, Prizren - Documentary and short film festival
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BeerFest Kosova

12.07.2024 - 15.07.2024, Prishtina, Beer Faestival
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SunnyHill Festival

25.07 - 28.07. 2024, Prishtina (Germia), The Promotion of foreign and local music
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Despite lacking direct access to the sea and primarily consisting of hilly and mountainous terrain, Kosova boasts a favorable climate and abundant natural, cultural, and historical resources, forming a solid foundation for tourism. Most current tourism initiatives are spearheaded by private individuals and local residents seeking to boost their income and contribute to tourism development.
With Kosova divided into five tourist regions, including central Prishtina, historic Prizren, the Albanian Alps, the Sharr Mountains, and others, investors have various opportunities for development across different areas. Each region possesses its unique tourist value, albeit varying in resource levels for further enhancement.
Kosova’s extensive production of rare artisan crafts, such as filigree (silverwork), presents an attractive proposition for foreign tourism. Additionally, cultural tourism stands out as one of Kosova’s significant development potentials, with various cultural events and festivals organized throughout the country by state institutions, civil society organizations, and cultural operators, attracting both domestic and international tourists.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Kosova’s tourism sector experienced significant growth, indicating its substantial potential for the country. Between 2017 and 2019, foreign visitor arrivals at all Kosova border points increased by 10.7%, reaching 4.96 million in 2019 from 4.48 million in 2017. The majority of these visits, around 76% in 2019, were for visiting friends and relatives, while others were for transit, daily trips, and business purposes.
Kosova’s tourism industry plays a vital role in the nation’s economy by creating employment opportunities and significantly contributing to the GDP. In 2022, the hotel and restaurant sector alone employed 31,542 individuals, accounting for approximately 8% of the country’s total workforce. Additionally, this sector indirectly supports the creation of a much larger number of jobs in various industries, including recreation, transportation, trade, and construction.
Despite the impressive strides made, Kosova’s tourism sector encounters opportunities for further enhancement, including infrastructure upgrades, robust tourism promotion, and a commitment to sustainable initiatives. The Kosovar government has proactively implemented strategies to tackle these areas, aiming to bolster infrastructure, foster responsible tourism, and safeguard the nation’s breathtaking landscapes.